Friday, 8 July 2011

Week 4

It was a fun break to mess around with the green-screen, We went in with a vague idea of what we wanted to achieve so as soon as we got in we got straight to it, after an hour or so we received our pictures, after some laughing at our ridiculous poses and choosing our pics, Stu began to implement us into the promo images. After a day and some thought about implementing the new art style into our new promo image, Stu and Toby emerged with our team and game image!

We spent some time thinking about our tagline, we had so many tag-lines and in the end it had to come to a vote between us, it was 50:50 between two tagline with Toby having the final vote, When he came back from lunch we asked him which he preferred and his choice was "Puzzle With The Pack" so there's our tagline!

So far this week we have continued making animations and have only five animations remaining, We have now implemented the animations we have into engine so our white-box now looks lovely. We have finalised animal movement and nearly finished making them move as a pack when together. We also finalised the layout of our tutorial le
vel today.

For the coming week were hoping to finish all of the animations, the tutorial level, the animal abilities, help/hints and to implement a pause, restart and an end of the level all ready for the focus testing on Friday.
Thanks to Ross Wallace from Rockstar North, Steven Lewis, Chris Brown and Liam Wong from Crytek and Stuart Campbell and David Hynd from Ruffian Games for their advice this week.

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